Um..Advice? =]

Hey there people/Mersawaians...Djians...Aish whatever la hor..

Neways, this is Zhi posting here =]

Well this post is mainly dedicated to Hwee my "future Superstar Pal" (psst! If you forget me when you're rich and're so gonna get it yah!) Haha, anyways! Here's the thing. I don't mean to insult out own local industry but heck! Unless you're a winner from those shows or made famous overseas...I guess you can say that it's a pretty hard dream to accomplish. With the local support local singers are getting...I can blame the audience sometimes. I mean check Mawi out. He's been sooo hyped up till even the mere mention of his name has the ability to make me yawn and just wanna sleep.

However, Hwee! I know you have the fighting spirit like what you went through for the Drama competition and you truly deserved the title even though I wasn't able to watch you perform but I knew it would be good =) But then, if you truly want to persue your dreams of becoming a well known singer, go overseas! =) (psst! can visit you there also maa..) But look at it this way, most of our local singers like Kwang Liang, Gary Cao Ge, Lin Yu Zhong and others...they made it big in Taiwan! =) Then when they came back to home sweet home Malaysia..they're BIG! =)

I'm not dissing Malaysian Media la but I mean..they have the tendency to Brag on and on and on about their own little stars which in the end makes it all so annoying at the mere mention of their names sometimes! O_o! I may be wrong..but these things happens really often.

But Hwee! Gambatte! =] Regardless of all these crap and bullshit, you'll have my support all the way (and don't forget to call me when you meet some cute guys yeeeaaah???) XD hahahaha Just make sure you post them (meaning the youtube clips) up on this blog yeah! =)

Zhi Out ; Kapeesh??