The Good Old Days Stupid Days... ^_^

Yo... its ian thats posting now hehe. but i warn u... this post is gonna be emo...>.<

And listen to the song while you read, it rocks!!!

Hey do u guys ever thought back on the good old days?? Cause we’re in form 5 now and its our last year in dj. If u think about it, life is more harder than school its self. Here we’re still best buds till the end, but what happens when we don’t keep in touch? I met leon in form 3 but that was just cause wai hoe and the guys invited us for football. Bleh We only really knew each other when we were in form 4. and to tell you the truth he is one of my best friends including sufyan, wai hoe, ngai hong. Chee choon is kinda close? ^^. Not to mention the girls ^^ zhi, yinnie, hwee, yi ming, and jia huey, yah truly great friends that I would die for. But the best is hands down Leon. Why? I’m not sure cause maybe we just sit together hehe… School is actually one of the nicest places we can be right now besides home cause we have food and stuff and we don’t really think about these stuff until we graduate. We have fun and study, yar study’s bad but wait till we grow up. Cause that’s when the shit starts come flying at ur face. So like I know this sounds kinda emo. But maybe its because of the stress that were going through now.

You guys keep in touch.

If not i'll hire a private detective to hunt ya down...

-smile always-