Um..Advice? =]
Neways, this is Zhi posting here =]
Well this post is mainly dedicated to Hwee my "future Superstar Pal" (psst! If you forget me when you're rich and're so gonna get it yah!) Haha, anyways! Here's the thing. I don't mean to insult out own local industry but heck! Unless you're a winner from those shows or made famous overseas...I guess you can say that it's a pretty hard dream to accomplish. With the local support local singers are getting...I can blame the audience sometimes. I mean check Mawi out. He's been sooo hyped up till even the mere mention of his name has the ability to make me yawn and just wanna sleep.
However, Hwee! I know you have the fighting spirit like what you went through for the Drama competition and you truly deserved the title even though I wasn't able to watch you perform but I knew it would be good =) But then, if you truly want to persue your dreams of becoming a well known singer, go overseas! =) (psst! can visit you there also maa..) But look at it this way, most of our local singers like Kwang Liang, Gary Cao Ge, Lin Yu Zhong and others...they made it big in Taiwan! =) Then when they came back to home sweet home Malaysia..they're BIG! =)
I'm not dissing Malaysian Media la but I mean..they have the tendency to Brag on and on and on about their own little stars which in the end makes it all so annoying at the mere mention of their names sometimes! O_o! I may be wrong..but these things happens really often.
But Hwee! Gambatte! =] Regardless of all these crap and bullshit, you'll have my support all the way (and don't forget to call me when you meet some cute guys yeeeaaah???) XD hahahaha Just make sure you post them (meaning the youtube clips) up on this blog yeah! =)
Zhi Out ; Kapeesh??
Hwee Lynn..She makes everything seem so serene..=B

Youtube, here I come!
Maybe a little. But compared to other countries? NADA.
How am I going to break into the music industry like this? I've been resting on my laurels for too long, watching people live their dream and it's so frustrating not being able to show the world that I can sing. Well, maybe my voice is just AVERAGE compared to others but knowing that I do have's just so frustrating...
Anybody know of talent scouts in any places? Haha...
Well, I'm posting because it'd be nice to have support =D And I love you guys so I'm breaking the news to y'all first. Wonder if people can get recognized through youtube...
We're Out And Together
Just for fun...
Your Ex is Avoidant |
hmmm! xD Very true...very VERY true.
Our last Year As a School Student

PS : mmmm....MAHAIIIII
I agree with Ian...
I can't wait for Sunday =D BTW I'M NOT GOING TO SCHOOL TOMORROW. SCREW THE STUPID CERAMAH LAH!! I'm sure it's going to be another pathetic 'You-Must-Study-And-Make-Our-School-Proud-Or-Else' lecture. Stupid school. Everything we do, it's to make the school proud. The SCHOOL. They don't give a shit about us! They only want a good reputation!
Okay I'd better not say anymore, don't want anybody to sue me x_x"""
The Good Old Days Stupid Days... ^_^
And listen to the song while you read, it rocks!!!
Hey do u guys ever thought back on the good old days?? Cause we’re in form 5 now and its our last year in dj. If u think about it, life is more harder than school its self. Here we’re still best buds till the end, but what happens when we don’t keep in touch? I met leon in form 3 but that was just cause wai hoe and the guys invited us for football. Bleh We only really knew each other when we were in form 4. and to tell you the truth he is one of my best friends including sufyan, wai hoe, ngai hong. Chee choon is kinda close? ^^. Not to mention the girls ^^ zhi, yinnie, hwee, yi ming, and jia huey, yah truly great friends that I would die for. But the best is hands down Leon. Why? I’m not sure cause maybe we just sit together hehe… School is actually one of the nicest places we can be right now besides home cause we have food and stuff and we don’t really think about these stuff until we graduate. We have fun and study, yar study’s bad but wait till we grow up. Cause that’s when the shit starts come flying at ur face. So like I know this sounds kinda emo. But maybe its because of the stress that were going through now.
You guys keep in touch.
If not i'll hire a private detective to hunt ya down...
-smile always-
Feels like it's been ages....
Hey there to everyone, I'm back with countless random attacks on you random yet lovable people =] Alas, we've gotten most of our exams paper back and boy! Border lines results! O_O!!! Must start to work really hard as we bunch of baboons have on approximately 6 months left to save out red butts!!
Come on Naturals! Prove to everyone we ain't lazy! Gambatte! (pfft...such a lala-term XD)
It was pretty fun today at school laa...=] Talking randomly about "Flying Wantans" XD's got me cracking =D
Hweee!! Why you so clumsy time make sure your foot is fully awake before you bangun yeah! =)
Aitez, can't think more of any random shout might as well end it here for today yah? =]
weee !! its us its us !!
My Answer For The Quiz
Holidays are always Happy days !

Holidays, holidays, holidays baby!

Okay, let me create a quiz for whoever wants to post next.
Physical characteristics can be added in too, but it'll be interesting to know what kind of personality all of you would like to have in your ideal soulmates =D
Okay, moving on...I still can't decide what song to sing for the old folks' home trip. What song are the SPICE BOYS singing apart from er...Negaraku? O_O!!!! Come on lah, you guys can do better than that! Try Pussycat Dolls =x!!! HEHE. Just to spice things up a little lah.

Who is the better poser, me or my dog? XD
Bugger !! Why Dawn Yang Soo HOT WAN !!!

Dawn Yang...She makes the rising of dawn Loook like DUST !!!!!
Her Features are all perfect..=O...nice long brownish hair..cute big bubbly yet sexy nose..innocent soft lips and theres not even a single sign of scar or pimple on her face...IF SHE'S MY GF FOR JUST DAY THERES NO DOUBT I'LL CRY(tears of joy) EVERYDAY!!!
Shuffle ..the best anime in the world
Its Healthy For Guys To Stare At Boobiess !! Research proves it !
My calculator
But Why Liverpool??!!!

Hee, my fav players of the team =]
Take note though..their numbers together, you get my birthday =] Heehee.. although Alonso's number isn't really visible here at all..=.=; But who cares?? XD
Aitez, may all of us here study hard and pass all of our exams yeah! Fighting!!!