
Fuuuuuuu yo!!! For 9 days we didnt post anything on this god forsaken blog! WEEEELLLLLLL!!! the reason was that our main blogger soon eu pathetic farmer boy/ durian falling waiting boy/ etc etc. is slacking off!! he is too lazy to post! haha no ler... his com go to the hospital because his com got tooooo corrupted with animal porn courtesy from its owner!!! haha well the reason he isnt posting is close to what i just said above ^_^. oh well.. anyone wanna BUY NATURALS T-SHIRTS?????? well our highly trained grafics designers are currently working day and night to produce such high quality t-shirts... just for you niggas'!!! er yah okie non- members 50 bucks.(boys only). girls 15 ringgit. XD no joke ass holes... hahaha... wanna buy? Contact our most wanted guys on this blog(the most handsome of all as well... soon eu leon and ian ng of 5 mes...) too hot for u guys to handle wei...
Natural mer... Current design.