A Leg's Nightmare

my leg...
The part Circled in Blue Ink - thats the main part of the injury..can u see the swelling? its fckin big lerr haih even after 2 days of not goin to school(at least its healing)....it hurts when i walk since wednesday when i got back from school..maybe it was the effect of monday night when i played futsal T_T
The Part Circled in Red Ink - the injury spread...thats blood clot LOL...it was worse on wednesday...scared the hell out of me...it was worse than this..that whole part there was all red..YUCK its been 2 days and the blood clot is still there...at least its not that terrible haha...
The Part Circled In Green - i dono how the fuck the injury can spread to that part haha..if u see closely its bruised...it has blue black liek tat but its better now la...on wednesday it was fckin ugly...there was blood clot there oso and some swelling...

doctor said that my capillary or ligament burst..i forgot..the jibai gave me painkillers a few pills and some cream to apply...haih..HEAL FASTER LA U FUCKIN LEG