The Beginning of An End

SUPPPPPP. oh man i never thought i'd visit this blog again after changing the link ughh x__x.
oh well.
hmmm mersawa, mersawa. the class that defines madness, humor, sarcasm and any disastrous things you can ever think of heh. it's been a long time since i last met the mersawa-ians(besides you fags la).
leon and i have been thinking of having a reunion but somehow we haven't had a final word for it since 1280983 months ago hahahaha. mmhmm I guess now everyone's busy with college, family, CHICKS, etc etc so yea kinda hard to gather everyone for a dinner.
come to think of it, i miss the lame stuff we did last year hahahah. teasing bird and jeremy, doing nonsense stuff in OU :S , etc etc. good old times dudes.

meh, im crapping too much.

i dont know how the others are doing (zhi lin, yin yee, hwee lynn, farah, zhareen, ,etc too many names la lol) but eh i hope you guys are doing great. hope to see you guys soon. lets try to make the reunion happen hahaha.

and yeah, dude, jeremy, our BFF. you rock our socks. sucks that you couldn't join us in KL that time LOOOOL (inside joke).

fasting month coming soon wooooo! time to lose some shiznitz in my tummy =D.

aight aight, this post is lame. see you guys when i see you guys. LUL.

sry la no pics,