Prom Night

we gathered early in sufyan's house..why? because sufyan was the driver of the day..thx dude...i dont think we'll all be able to make it to prom if it wasnt for you... credits to the photographer AKA SABREENAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa or like what sufyan calls her..BABY....

ahh..prom..the last school event...not forgetting the most expensive school event we as students paid to attend.. the ticket cost RM160 if im not mistaken...smiles were everywhere and a friendly atmosphere was spread out throughout the hall... people i dont really know greeted each other as if they were friends their whole life... wohohohohoo EVERYONE LOOOOOOOOOKED GREATTTTTTTtttttt...!! i guess everyone in prom went home with their own individual memories.... that i am sure of it... I KNOW I HAVE...LOL LOL... and im sure of it that PERD HANG THE TURD and wai hoe is gonna say something dumb about this post. GWHAHAHAHAHAHAH..MOFOZ....
Quote of the day --> i try to be a leon but i end up being a SOON EU LEON...OHOHOHOHOHOHOH.


Congrats to Khairil and Lee Jane for winning the Prom King and Prom Queen Title WOHOHO!!