Time to refresh your memory! Recall the battle cry: Its Morphin' Time!!!
Yes!!! Its The Power Rangers!!! Go Go Power Rangers!!! haha well ya... there was nothing to do at 3 in the morning so... hehe enjoy!! ^-^ and i didnt even know there were so many types...O.O
The First Power Rangers!!!
3rd 4th
6th.. 7th...
wtf 11th????..... this one looks stupid...
and last but not least the latest power rangers series... ^_^ number 12!!!
JENG JENG JENG. To all horror show fans out there, check these movies out if you have not. TRUST ME IT'S GONNA WORTH YOUR 15 BUCKS. (pirated DVD weihhhh)
1. Letters of Death
Wowowowo this show will make you piss your pants. You can get the best copy from Perd Hang. It has the best subtitle ever made. Best lines in this show : "I go first toilet." and "THOUSAND ONE". Check it out and you'll know what I mean hahaha.
2. Possessed Non stop screaming actionnnnnnnn. Got hot chick as well weih! Too bad they cut out the make out scene =(. "Boleh tahan" la this show. ^_____^
Happy birthday Choy yee..thankz for being a responsible and understanding class Bendahari !! My deepest apologies for all the times i didn't pay the class fund or paying for other stuff late or even sometimes NEVER hahaha =D....i think i apologize on behalf of MOST of us for not paying =D but even so we are greatly thankfulllllllllll !!! Not forgetting lending me and the MOST OF US ure note books(note books for every single damn subject) for me/us to copy whenever theres a deadline to pass it up..without you honestly gwahhaha me and most of us wont know what to do....Other than that you've been a really helpful and GREAT friend to all of us ! So again i wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAy and btw i didnt edit the photo eng teck did ahaha i dont even know how to work that damn photoshop
hey its me! *slurp* slurp* jere.. nah me ian... haha hmm since leon said the blogs getting dull i have to save the day by posting! muahaha! once again i save the day...XD you shuddap sufyan ^^
nah enjoy the crap.. this one made me wonder...O.o...
Man Arrested for Sexually Assaulting FemaleManikin
Georgia, USA- A man resembling a giant kid was arrested Thursday for sexually assaulting a manikin at a women’s fashion outlet store. Store clerks describe how the man made several trips past the manikin, and then went up onto the podium where he commenced to fondle the manikin’s breasts and tried to finger her private part. When questioned about the incident, he said "I couldn't help it, she had the nicest set of tits I’ve seen in a long time."
I find this signboard amazingly COOL.....gwahha...If only i had this sign in my room...NO TOUCHING BOOBS...lol lol lol.....hmm....oh yea BTW HAPPY 1 month anniversay bla bla bla to Mei chee and birdzzzzzz.......Exams are about to finish..another friggin 4 more days and its over..not like its important or anything haha...its just a fckin stewpid mid-term ...its not SPM..fail ar? FAIL FAIL LOR....wow gotta change my fckin perspective on things....anyway...ALL THE BEST IN THE EXAMS...lalalalal
What did the left breast said to the RIGHT breast when the right breast said that it was about to rain??
Answer : yes yes...you are RIGHT...!!! GWAHHAGHAHGAHAHAHA
futurama...haha...its 1 of the best comedy series there is...its created by the makers of SIMPSONS..but i gotta say its way better than The simpsons..Its intresting in a way that it predicts how the future is gonna be...like robots ..aliens and humans living together peacefully gwahah...the show is kinda senseless at times but overall ITS GREAT !!!
haih..its laggin all over...wad the fcks wrong with the connection? Other than that...exams started again...study study study !! HOHOHOHO...hmmm...here's a little something for you guys to concentrate haha i found this pic.....
Goood Luck to the both of you in the Digi's Celebriteen competition tomorrow...!!! dont worry im quite confident that the both of you will make it far in the competition..OR maybe WHO KNOWS the final might be the both of you !! WAI HOE AND HWEE LYNN GWAHHAA!!!!JENG JENG JENG !! strong strong..don't worry la the worse thing that can happen is just you guys not making it to the the next round thus being eliminated from the competition BUT HEY !!!! SMALL PROBLEM LAA ! MOUMANTAI WAN LAR GWEHEHEHE.....Once again i WISH YOU GUYS BEST BEST BEST OF LUCK......
hmmmm....jeremy...the no 1 Talk cock'er i know......hahaz..but i gotta say i think at least 60% the things he say are all crap...gwhahaha..Chill la Jeremy if your reading this..despite being a kalafe and a punching beg in our group he's erm..Ok lar i guess gwhahaha....I can never seem to forget the time when he asked the whole group of us.."Weihh You Going Perd Hang's House ar?" and not forgetting theres the time when he said "whoa my cousin can 1 on 11 insane computers in a ladder game "..and and and he's habit of *slurp*(sucking back he's saliva so that it does not come out thus making the sound SLURP) and more....but jeremy your SPORTING MAN...you play an important role in our lives..coz whenever we diu kau u or what so ever...we feel better and it feels like a burden is lifted..you relief our stress..and YES YES JEREMY YOU ARE RIGHT...!
wow...it turns out that there's actually a Men's Underwear Repair Kit..It costs i think about Rm15 in malaysia...Its Imported from germany i think...or some other shit places....it turns out that buying the kit you'll get 3 underwears of sizes Small...Medium and Large...and an instruction that shows a step by step guide to sew your underwear if theres any hole or what so ever..hahaha...and not forgetting it comes with a needle and thread too...i dont know bout you guys but for me i think its COOL gwahhaha..and oh yeah.It even shows you the correct time and way to wear an underwear..GWAHHAha..!!! Whats happening to the world !!!