the fire that burns and causes more fire and burns everything around causing more fire that comes from within the burning desire through the fire makes everything soo hot until it causes more fire...your fire my fire our fire..YES THE FIREEEEEEEEEEEE BURNNNN THE FIREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe
movie review..
Heroes... zzz
Like what the hell season 2 of Heroes is only 11 episodes....
anyways... spoilers! Niki died. DL died , Syler's and Peter's alive, Adam or Takezo (he's a friggin white dude.) got trapped by Hiro in a coffin, cause he could live forever and he turned evil and shit cause Hiro kissed his gf. (stewpid hiro...) Oh and Nathan died! hohohoho....
And there is a stupid useless black girl which can only copy shit moves from the TV.
anyways... spoilers! Niki died. DL died , Syler's and Peter's alive, Adam or Takezo (he's a friggin white dude.) got trapped by Hiro in a coffin, cause he could live forever and he turned evil and shit cause Hiro kissed his gf. (stewpid hiro...) Oh and Nathan died! hohohoho....
And there is a stupid useless black girl which can only copy shit moves from the TV.
Prom Night

we gathered early in sufyan's house..why? because sufyan was the driver of the day..thx dude...i dont think we'll all be able to make it to prom if it wasnt for you... credits to the photographer AKA SABREENAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa or like what sufyan calls her..BABY....
ahh..prom..the last school event...not forgetting the most expensive school event we as students paid to attend.. the ticket cost RM160 if im not mistaken...smiles were everywhere and a friendly atmosphere was spread out throughout the hall... people i dont really know greeted each other as if they were friends their whole life... wohohohohoo EVERYONE LOOOOOOOOOKED GREATTTTTTTtttttt...!! i guess everyone in prom went home with their own individual memories.... that i am sure of it... I KNOW I HAVE...LOL LOL... and im sure of it that PERD HANG THE TURD and wai hoe is gonna say something dumb about this post. GWHAHAHAHAHAHAH..MOFOZ....
Quote of the day --> i try to be a leon but i end up being a SOON EU LEON...OHOHOHOHOHOHOH.
Congrats to Khairil and Lee Jane for winning the Prom King and Prom Queen Title WOHOHO!!

Good Luck
Ragnarok Is Fake.
Fucking retarded man, i bet 70% of females in games are dudes. know why? met a girl in ro who claims shes a modal( mm remind you guys of anyone? mmm Wai hoe?? xD ) well yar fucking thing is she told me she sometimes wets her bed at night. not pee but fucking cum. like wtf??? well she even likes to talk about sex. want to see her picture? she sent me a picture of her saying its one of her "model shots". Oh and the best part. She sent me a picture of her fucking pussy. yes like what the fuck? you can even ask leon. wth.
Swt. like what the hell.
Hi hi.
Wohoho graduation day. The day where you see people crying here and there, hugging each other bla bla bla etc etc. Come to think of it, i actually gonna miss you guys. Ya know, the COOL stuff we did back then like insulting jeremy, wei jie and perd hang HOHOHO. Not forgetting other things like Hwee's angelic voice, Zhi's awesome drawings, etc etc. Tsk tsk we can hardly see each other now. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO MEET JEREMY NOW?!?! AAAA WE'RE GONNA MISS YOU JEREMY! So yeah, I'm glad that I got to know you guys. I bet everyone is studying macam gila now. K then, GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE FORM 5'S. ROCK ONNNN \m/
Wohoho graduation day. The day where you see people crying here and there, hugging each other bla bla bla etc etc. Come to think of it, i actually gonna miss you guys. Ya know, the COOL stuff we did back then like insulting jeremy, wei jie and perd hang HOHOHO. Not forgetting other things like Hwee's angelic voice, Zhi's awesome drawings, etc etc. Tsk tsk we can hardly see each other now. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO MEET JEREMY NOW?!?! AAAA WE'RE GONNA MISS YOU JEREMY! So yeah, I'm glad that I got to know you guys. I bet everyone is studying macam gila now. K then, GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE FORM 5'S. ROCK ONNNN \m/
Enjoy the Pics
Good Mourn-ning
mothafuckaz !! HOHOOHOHOHOH.. its just another regular day in school for me despite BEING THE ONLY ONE PRESENT.THAT SUCKED !ohoho !.Its ironic.. i always hated going to school but during these past few weeks i still find myself goin to school everyday (even if i ran out of school everytime during recess)..even being the only one in school made me feel normal again..its scary when i think to myself.. OOO FUCK IM LEAVING !!! ..i miss the times i had to sit in class half dead while the teacher was in front or even looking at WEI JIE's SMILE(im kidding..i hate his smile) or even looking at JEremy's porings..Not forgetting listening to perd hang's wannabe statements of him being great(In the end..his just a bird with a nana disorder)AND WHAT ABOUT FEELING WAI HOE's CHERRIES !!! i miss doing all those and a bunch of other in IT Lab now and im FUCKING BORED...FUCK U ALL LAR NEVER COME...ANYWAY IM GONAN POTENG NOW BYE MOTHAFUCKAZZZ !!!!!!!!!!!
Late Post
i Dont Know Whats wrong with the fuckin it streamyx or my modemn? I DONT KNOW but its beeen fckin laggy nowadays...anwyayz..uploading photo's on the blog is like taking forever soo i guess this will do..ahaha lazy lar..happy birthday ngai hong.. !!! Steamboat ( All YOu Can Eat ! YUmm)... Group oF friendss and Honey chicken..THose were the highlights of 10th October A.K.A Ngai hong's Birthday... Not forgetting i'd like to wish everyone a VERY VERY SELAMAT HARI RAYA...!! AND LASTLY... time to put our geek cap's(speaking of caps...Sufyan My Cap Plss =D TEE HEE ) on and start preparing for SPM...JENG JENG JENG..... thats all for now.. BUH BYEZ !!
Perd Hang
Mr Big
Questions That Make You Think...
What Do You Think To Think Of Something That Makes YOu Keep Thinking oF SOmething? well? You do The THinking..HOHOOHOHOHO =B
A Walk In The Park
A Tree… Wow A Beautiful Tree I Came Upon..
A Toilet I Was Longing But None Was Around
Took out My Piece And Everything Came Out..
Looking Up Suddenly Mr Cupid Was Looking Down On Me
Saying “Hey Soon Eu Leon.. Stop That !” Angrily
In A Wink Lady Luck Came As Beautiful As Can Be
Glared At My Piece And Said “Your Making Me Horny”….
The Fair Maiden Suddenly grabbed my little Dandy
In A Flash She Started Groping It Tightly
Cupid…Somehow Aroused, Started Putting In His Thingy
In Where? You May Wonder…Well…Its Inside lady Luck’s Pussy…
Moments Later ..A Threesome We Were Having And It Was Really Crazy
Wild And Insane We Humped Happily
Lady Luck….Cupid … Yep…I Guess I Was Lucky
Blessed With Luck And Love By Both Parties
Goodbye Jeremy..
...Ure Everybody's best friend..EXPECIALLY SUFYAN.... Sorry la About the merdeka celebration..everyone forgot to call you.....DO RE MI...GOOD BYE JEREMY..oh yeah ure results for english paper 2 was 58 over 75 while ure math objective was 27...UH HUH..BYE BYE JEREMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
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